Projects from my studies

My diploma thesis

An investigation into the speed of two triangle fill algorithms, the scan line and the half-space fill method

This paper compares how the speed of two simple polygon shading algorithms compares relative to each other. The flat shading model is used. To achieve flat shading, you draw a filled polygon with a basic color. The simplest type of polygon is allowed, a triangle. The condition of a three-dimensional triangle is given when all 3 vertexes of the edges lie on one plane. The following parameters are transferred: vertexA, vertexB, vertexC and the color. A triangle with the intersection points, which have been converted into two-dimensional world coordinates, is drawn in the given color on any surface. There are two types of display:
- The half-space method.
- the scan-line method. (Raster line algorithm).


Journalistic work as part of my bachelor's degree

Cracktro: from the beginning until today.

When the first video games were introduced, they were often immediately copied; this was easy to do and did not require any expert knowledge. Developers respond to this by developing various software copy protection techniques. In most cases, this copy protection was bypassed quickly, which then became known as "cracking". However, this was much more demanding than simply copying a game and could therefore only be performed by experts; These experts then became known as "crackers" and often found themselves together in so-called "crack crews". In order to attract attention, these crack crews slightly modified the game as part of cracking; at the start of a game, for example, a small sequence was displayed, which consists of small scrolling texts with background music and additional graphic effects. Most of the time, the name of the crack crew and the crackers involved was displayed. Furthermore, you might have to press a key to start the actual game. This is what many cracks looked like for games on the Commodore 64 (C64) and Commodere Amiga (e.g. Amiga 500). On IBM-compatible PCs, you may have seen a logo with music and / or moving graphics when installing cracked software. In general, these additionally introduced start sequences were referred to as cracktros. It was quickly no longer about being the first to crack a current game, but rather about who could integrate the coolest crack trophy. People quickly found themselves who no longer only worked on cracking games, but specialized in developing cracktros.


Template article as part of my bachelor's degree

Tracking: A forgotten art?

Today's sequencer music programs, such as LogicPro (for the Mac) or Cubase (for example for Windows), in which you can play notes with the help of a MIDI capable keyboard, dominate the market. But how did you make electronic music in the days of Amiga computers or a 386 PC with the DOS operating system? Since these computers didn't have that much power, you couldn't load countless plugins into memory or switch on multiple equalizers. But there was an alternative that lives on to this day: the trackers.


Subject sheet as part of my bachelor's degree

Comparison of frameworks for initializing the OpenGL context.

OpenGL is a cross-platform library that enables interaction between the programmer and the 3D accelerator graphics card. The OpenGL commands are identical on all systems. However, there is a system-dependent part, namely opening the OpenGL context. This is done in different ways for each system. To save yourself a lot of unnecessary work, there are frameworks that do this job. Although each system can be addressed differently, the frameworks are built in such a way that the user does not have to change anything in their own code. The framework contains all the important fragments related to the respective system. Here three such frameworks (FreeGLUT, SDL2 and GLfw) are compared with each other. These are the most widely used frameworks that not only create a rendering context1, but also take care of incoming system-based events and, in the case of SDL2, also manage other tasks. In the program examples in the following chapters, a rotating triangle is shown in a window on the screen shown. To do this, the same OpenGL code is adapted in three different programs, each with a different framework. All three programs are compiled under Windows with Visual Studio. Of course you can do the same on Linux or MAC OS X.
